Conundrum from the Upcoming Album "Work in Progress"


I’ve been reading this book, Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto. While I don’t necessarily agree with everything that is said, the book does touch on a lot of theories I’ve personally been nursing about the true purpose of the American educational system and what it produces. I believe that there is a conscientious effort put in place by governing bodies, mega corporations, nefarious individuals, and politicians to shape and mold the minds of our children in order to produce a controllable population. To what end? To maintain control, to secure government faith, to lead/manipulate a malleable people, and to cut off any chances of revolution before it’s had a chance to develop.

If you look at how schools typically operate, you’ll see the patterns. It’s almost like a factory operation. Every student is funneled into the same exact process. You are forced to learn by the same tools and methods even down to how you’re supposed to think (think Common Core). You read the same books, use the same learning techniques, take the same standardized tests and are funneled down the same life path - go to college, get a job, get married, have children, and send your children back to these same educational factories to repeat the process.

It really doesn’t sound like that much fun when you think hard about what’s happening and how we’re spending our lives. The basic thought is that you give your life over to these systems, and when you retire you do what you want to do. Is that fair? Is that what you really want to do? Is that the fate that we all are destined to?

This process of coercion can be found in places other than schools. Everything in society points you to the same exact molding such as government, the financial infrastructure, television and entertainment, churches, even your own parents. What happens if you want to be different? Maybe you don’t want to go to college? Maybe you don’t want to get a traditional job? Maybe you want to build your own house with your own hands. Try to do anything different from the norm and you’ll get opposition, push back, and run into extreme difficulty. Trust me, I know that this happens by personal experience. Society is simply not set up for individual thinking nor is it set up for individuality and I think that’s done on purpose. I think there is an intent behind it all to create a society of workers and consumers who will not question or challenge these restrictive ‘norms’ and go on to be good citizens.

Brainwashing at its finest.

But how do you snap out of it? How do you change the course of your life and begin to do whatever it is you really want to do? Are you willing to give up the stability of going with the flow and take the risk of losing it all just to say you did your own thing? The decision is in your hands and it will be a difficult choice.

That’s what my song, ‘Conundrum’ is about! It’s about making choices in your life to carve your own path and wisely weighing the costs.


There is a dog after you.
He wants the gold and the lucky number two.
He is a bonafide pedigree and he don't give a hoot for you!

I'd rather die than give up.
But if I run, I might survive.
What a conundrum!

There is a door you must choose.
Pick 1, 2, or 3. What if you couldn't lose.
If you had to do it all over again,
Would you see the misery wrapped in a rouse?

I'd die, before I give up.
But if I run, I might survive.
What a conundrum!

To learn more about Work in Progress click here.

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