Didn't Even Get Into Recording Today

Photo on 11-5-18 at 10.13 PM.jpg

Ugh!!! That’s the word of the day. It’s been a while since I’ve been in my recording software. I had to find a bunch of files that were saved onto CDs, thank God! I freaked out a little when I couldn’t find the song files on my computer. Over half of the songs have already been recorded as part of my Free Song a Month Project a couple years ago. Song files are safe!

Today was all about updating and downloading software onto my computer. It’s taken me hours just to get the software up to par. I had planned on recording some or at least starting a new song, but nope. That day is not today.

In the meantime, I worked on this new song I’m writing called ‘Rebel.’ I’m not sure if I’m going to put it on this album or not. It doesn’t necessarily go with the theme of ‘Work in Progress.’ I’m amazed at how long this one album has taken me to finish. It literally has been a work in progress for at least three years. 

Here’s a list of songs going on the album. If you’ve been following me for any time, I’m sure you have heard a lot of these songs already whether at a live show or listening to a song online.

My Red Shoes

Missing Every Day

Fade Away

A New Day

Shortcuts & Wolves

Through Your Eyes

Do Something

Hound Dog


Can We Talk

I’m Still Here

Flower on the Wall

Til’ The Walls Come Down

In The Rain

Maybe tomorrow I’ll have better luck getting into the recording rhythm.